THE ENTITY (quick documentation) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE LAST MESSAGE FROM MILGRAM THE WISE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WHo WaS MiLGRaM? ---------------- Milgram was the greatest of all the timeless wise men. his mastery of the sciences of time-history combined with his extraordinary powers of deduc- tion led him to become ,at 420 years of age,the yougest member of the coun cil. The council consisted of 5 wise men from the five known world .This council was particularly famous because it had to confront the greatest conflict in the history of our universe. NO doubt you are well acquainted with this heroic part of our history,when the fight against the most terrible of all worldly monsters,ENTITY,came to a happy end.We owe this victory entirely to MILGRAM the WISE:he fought against ENTITY across all 5 worlds ,and his victory was complete because he succeeded in encasing ENTITY in a monolith ,a solid block of indestructible stone . indestructible ..... a hundred years later ,MILGRAM was unanimously elected to the highest posi- tion in the council:that of Grand sage. Today he has disappeared . Searches made throughout the universe led to be- lieve that he had been permanently reincarnated.That was until we received this video-message. Here is the last message from MILIGRAM the WISE translated for you into EARTH language. MILGRAM'S VIDEO-MESSAGE FOR HIS DAUGHTER ANTHEMIS ------------------------------------------------- "ENTITY has escaped from her monolith! i myself have been reincarned into this block of stone without possibility of returning.This way i could keep an eye on her,but now i can do no more but give you this warning. The only weapon capable of killing this monster is ERINWHE'S MAGIC BOOMERANG And the only way to get this weapon is to collect the 5 crystal which are kept by the guardians of the 5 worlds. Seek out and fight these monsters! TO reach each monster you have to find the parchments which i have hidden on the way during my last visit! I hope they are not faded with time because in each world you will have to collect the three parts of the SCEPTRE OF BISMUTH in order to fight the mon- ster, and only the parchments show where they can be found ". +++++++++++ YOUR ACTION +++++++++++ ANTHEMIS is moved entirely via th joystick or keyboard . here is the table of commands and their functions. ================================== = UP = climb or jump = ================================== = down = go down or bend down = ================================== = left = run towards left = ================================== = righ = run towards right = ================================== = fire = shoot = ================================== = p = pause = ================================== = esc = abandon = ================================== +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + EVERY 20,000 POINTS YOU WIN AN EXTRA LIFE + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++